Owl Outlook

The Student News Site of William Cullen Bryant High School


Owl Outlook

The Student News Site of William Cullen Bryant High School

Owl Outlook

Owl Outlook

Festival of the Nations

Before the Bryant community watched all the Nations show off their spirit, many enjoyed great food at the ‘Taste of the Nations’ in the Bryant cafeteria.
Festival of the Nations


The Festival of Nations is the most anticipated event of the year at Bryant. This event unites all the different cultures on one stage. It represents the diverse background that makes up Bryant High School. Every culture club every year creates a dance representing the background of their culture to then perform. The Festival of Nations this year took place on April 12, 2024. It was held in the Bryant auditorium. 

Upon entrance tickets could be bought if they were not already purchased. Before the performance students, parents, and teachers were escorted to the Taste of Nations where they could sample all the different foods from the cultures that were performing. After the Taste of Nations, everyone was then escorted into the auditorium to watch the show. 

The cultures that were showcased were Albania, Bangladesh, China, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Greece, India, Korea, Mexico, Peru, Nepal, Philippines, Tibet, Turkey, and the U.S.A. Before the dance performances of these cultures, there was a fashion show revealing all the various cultural clothing. After this was wrapped up, the dances began. As every group performed there was an analysis of their culture’s flag and the representation of the colors in the flag. 

Bryant’s 2024 Festival of Nations was overall an amazing show, every cultural club did a wonderful job at representing their cultures through their dancing and clothing. This event not only did a great job at showcasing every culture but also uniting them at the end of the show to represent all the different groups at Bryant unified as one.


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About the Contributors
Shania Rekheram
Shania Rekheram, contributor
Shania is a junior at William Cullen Bryant High school. She writes articles for the owl outlook. She loves food and shopping.
Muskan Akter
Muskan Akter, contributor
Muskan is a junior at William Cullen Bryant High School. She loves cats.