Pi Day is an annual celebration on March 14th that honors the mathematical constant (pi), representing the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. People often commemorate the day with activities related to math, pies, and puns, and feeding on mathematical pie.
Pie day was founded in 1988 by Larry Shaw, an employee of the San Francisco science museum. All an attempt to make mathematics more relatable and fun.
Sharma Suresh Kumar holds the record for pi, reciting 70,030 digits, taking a total of 17 hours and 14 minutes, all taking place in India 21 oct, 2015.
Pi has 62.8 trillion digits.
Pi has several purposes in physics, engineering and statistics.
Now some words from Mr John, “On behalf of the math department, 3/14 is not just Pi Day but it is also International Math Day! This day occurs once a year where we as math teachers get to brag about math to every student, teacher and other staff members as well as do some fun activities in our math classes.
As a school community, the math department created a PI poster for all students to write their names in English, Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Tibetan, Hindi, Urdu, Greek and Hebrew to show that:
We have a wide range of different cultures in our school
To showcase that no matter where you are from, we all use math in our respective culture.
For all math teachers, it is a day where we can express our joy and remember why we love math due to the positive experiences we had growing up. On International Math Day, we want to encourage our students to love mathematics and appreciate it as well as understand that Math is all around us. “