Career Day at Bryant has been a tradition starting back 8 years ago. From only having a few people the first year it started, to having close to 70 people this year,. Career Day has become an important part of Bryant, helping to expose students to various careers and professions. The reason for starting Career Day is to help students develop an idea of what they want to pursue in college and the future. Since everyone in Bryant High School is college bound this day is helpful to students every year by giving them an insight on different occupations and the rundown of what they’re actually like, due to them being educated by the individuals that are employed in these fields.
Bryant’s 2024 Career Day took place on Wednesday, March 27th. There were a wide variety of professions that attended Bryant’s 2024 Career Day such as attorneys, marines, therapists, entrepreneurs, authors, a judge, an embryologist, a daycare provider, firefighters, bankers, teachers, a CEO, a human beatbox, a research scientist from NASA, and many more. All of these people went to various classes to talk about their careers and the steps they took in their journey.
Not only to classes but after school in the library anyone who wanted to was free to go up until 3:30 pm to talk to these different individuals. Students that went to the after school event were able to gather tons of information to help give them more insight about what they may want to pursue in the future and how to get started doing so. The event was especially helpful to the juniors at Bryant that are going to start applying for colleges in a couple of months since they can now have more of an idea of what they want to major in and to the seniors by giving them more information about the working field and major that they are going into.